What is the meaning of Steve Jobs death Oct 20, 2011 The existence of Steve Jobs' life has engineered the civilization of macintosh (Apple computers, ipads and iPods) into our daily...
Steve Jobs vowing to destroy android Oct 20, 2011 The relationship between Steve Jobs and Google chairman Eric Schmidt soured over Android. Steve Jobs said he wanted to destroy...
The internet is celebrating its 40 years anniversary – 2009 May 20, 2009 On the 29th of the month of October 2009, (which fell in the 8th month called Chesvan according to the...
The meaning of the number 3 Oct 10, 2007 The meaning of the number 3 in your life. God uses this number three to transmit and impart His own...
Challa bread – 50th day – Pentecost or Shavuot – Continuation May 20, 2007 The word Bethlehem means: "House of bread" John 6:51 says: I am the living bread of life which came down...
Challa bread – 50th day – Pentecost or Shavuot May 20, 2007 After the people had finished counting the 50 days of omer, (being the 50 days from Passover to Pentecost). There...
They are preparing your life for the microchip May 11, 2007 As they feast with you , they are also preparing your life for the microchip(666). Every business man knows that...
Scriptures to read and events that took place in the season of Pentecost May 10, 2007 The 1st of 3rd month (Sivan), the 10th of May 2013, we read Exodus 19:1-25 and 20:1-26, because this event...
Pentecost – Blessings or curses May 10, 2007 Pentecost - Blessings or curses, What is your choice? In Hebrew every letter, word, event, or sentence is always attached...
Zodiac sign – Gemini – Tribe of Zebulun May 10, 2007 The 3rd month called Sivan on the Hebrew calendar, God's calendar stands for Zebulun, who was the tenth son of...